Issue - decisions

Petition: For East Sussex County Council to agree to proceed without further delay to proceed with our simple and affordable 20mph safety scheme, which requires just the change of signage

15/07/2024 - Petition: For East Sussex County Council to agree to proceed without further delay to proceed with our simple and affordable 20mph safety scheme, which requires just the change of signage

12.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.


12.2     Mr Robert Franklin, the Lead Petitioner for the petition calling on the County Council to agree to proceed without further delay to proceed with their simple and affordable 20mph safety scheme, which requires just the change of signage spoke to confirm his agreement that a signed only scheme is not appropriate, safety issues in terms of speed and vibration of traffic and highlighted concerns regarding the revised Community Match scheme in terms of the proposed extension to the footway, the proposed increase of speed limit at one end of the scheme and the overall cost of the scheme.




12.3     The Lead Member RESOLVED to advise petitioners that:


(1) The introduction of a signed only 20mph speed limit through Burwash village cannot be supported by East Sussex County Council as it would not comply with the design standards and guidelines laid down by the Department for Transport or the East Sussex County Council Local Speed Limit Policy as it would not be self-regulating;


(2) It would be inappropriate for East Sussex County Council to implement a signed only 20mph speed limit through Burwash village as it would not address the concerns raised through the independent Road Safety Audit or be supported by Sussex Police; and


(3) The amended scheme presented to the Parish Council by East Sussex Highways in May 2023, which would enable an effective and self-regulating 20mph speed limit to be introduced through Burwash can still be implemented. Should the Parish Council decide that it wishes to proceed with the amended scheme with all the additional traffic calming features through the Community Match initiative, East Sussex Highways would commence the detailed design phase which would then produce a detailed construction cost for approval by the Parish Council.




12.4     A scheme to introduce a signed only 20mph speed limit through Burwash High Street would not comply with national guidance on setting speed limits or East Sussex County Council’s policy on setting local speed limits as it would not be self-regulating.


12.5     The amended scheme presented to the Parish Council in May 2023 which would ensure an effective and self-regulating 20mph speed limit through Burwash can still be implemented.


12.6     Should the Parish Council decide that it wishes to proceed with the amended scheme with all the additional traffic calming features, through the Community Match initiative, East Sussex Highways would commence the detailed design phase which would then produce a detailed construction cost for approval by the Parish Council. A contribution of up to £50,000 from East Sussex County Council has already been agreed, with the remaining costs to be funded by the Parish Council.