Issue - decisions

Local Transport Plan 4 - adoption

26/09/2024 - Local Transport Plan 4 - adoption

21.1     The Cabinet considered a report from the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.

21.2     It was RESOLVED to:

1) Approve the East Sussex Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4), Investment Plan and supporting documents to support and deliver transport infrastructure across the county; and

2) Note the further work planned beyond the adoption of LTP4, as outlined in paragraphs 2.13 – 2.16 of the report. 



21.3     Local Transport Authorities are required to have a Local Transport Plan (LTP) in place which sets the strategy and policy framework for transport across their geography. The East Sussex LTP4, which will cover the period 2024 to 2050, will ensure that we have an up-to-date LTP that is reflective of current national, sub national and local policy, which will place us in a stronger position to seek future funding.