Issue - decisions

98 South Coast Road, Peacehaven - Disposal of Freehold

25/06/2024 - 98 South Coast Road, Peacehaven - Disposal of Freehold

10.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Chief Operating Officer.




10.2     The Lead Member RESOLVED to:


1) Declare 98 South Coast Road, Peacehaven to be surplus to the requirements of the Council;


2) Approve the disposal of the Property in accordance with s123 of the Local Government Act 1972;


3) Delegate authority to the Chief Operating Officer to agree the terms of the sale to achieve best value for the Property in accordance with s123 of the Local Government Act 1972, including proceeding with the next best offer(s) in the event of the transaction(s) not completing within the expected timelines; and


4) Delegate authority to the Chief Operating Officer to take all actions necessary to give effect to the recommendations in the report.




10.3     The Council has no ongoing operational use for the Property. It is therefore surplus to the Council’s requirements. The disposal of the Property will reduce revenue liabilities relating to the management and holding costs of this surplus asset, as well as providing the Council with a capital receipt.


10.4     Delegation to the Chief Operating Officer to agree the terms of the sale to achieve best value for the Property in accordance with s123 of the Local Government Act 1972, including authority to proceed with the next best offer(s) in the event of the transaction(s) not completing within the expected timelines will facilitate the effective disposal of the Property.