11.1 The Cabinet considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.
11.2 It was RESOLVED to agree to increase the carriageway patching funding allocation by a further £1m for 2024/25, to be focussed on the A and B road network, with this additional expenditure to be funded through the unallocated element of the climate change capital budget.
11.3 The winter of 2023/24 had a significant impact on the condition of the highway. The number of potholes increased significantly as a result of the prolonged wet weather combined with periods of freezing temperatures. During the winter period the road condition declined resulting in a large number of defect reports.
11.4 The A and B road network are the most heavily used sections of the overall road network and therefore should be the focus of any additional expenditure. Work on the unclassified network will continue with our jet patching work which is proving successful in dealing with defects on these roads. The condition of our A and B roads would be improved by an increase in the patching budget. A £1m increase in the patching budget would provide for approximately 11,000 square metres of improved road surface on these sections of the network.