Issue - decisions

Internal Audit 2015/16

03/11/2015 - Internal Audit progress report Quarter 1 2015/16

25.1     The Committee considered a report by the Chief Operating Officer which provided a summary of the key audit findings, progress on delivery of the audit plan and the performance of the internal audit service during Quarter 1 of 2015/16. The Committee were provided with a Supplementary Briefing on the Procurement and Contract Management audits.  


25.2     The Committee discussed the assessment of compliance with Procurement Standing Orders and Contract Management with the Head of Procurement.  She offered the Committee the assurance that clear roles and responsibilities were built into the framework for awarding new contracts, and that training was being provided to staff to manage the process robustly.  Progress in implementing the findings of the Procurement Standing Orders audit will be included in future Procurement update reports. 


25.3     The Committee discussed the assessment of the Controcc system.  The Head of Assurance set out the complexity of the system, which the Chief Operating Officer confirmed would shortly be integrated into the new Liquid Logic system of care management. A comprehensive action plan has been developed and will be followed up by the internal audit team, and reported on at a future meeting. 


25.4     The Committee also discussed the means available to secure control over performance of outsourced work, especially that of sub-contractors, and used the Highways Maintenance contract as an example.  Particular concerns over highway drainage issues were raised, and the Committee’s attention was drawn to the Economy, Transport and Environment Scrutiny Review Board on Gully Emptying and Drainage.   The Head of Procurement set out that her team provided advice and guidance to service colleagues, on how to set measurable service levels, and ensure regular receipt of data to support those targets.  Evidence of the effective management of sub-contractors is part of the process for assessing tenders.


25.5     RESOLVED to (1) note the report; and


(2) congratulate the internal audit team on their performance indicators.