Issue - decisions

Education Commissioning Plan

01/12/2016 - Education Commissioning Plan 2015 - 2019

20.1     The Lead Member for Learning and School Effectiveness considered a report by the Director of Children’s Services which sought approval to publish the Education Commissioning Plan 2015-2019 and asked for permission to delegate authority to the Director of Children’s Services to amend the Plan prior to its publication if required.


20.2     RESOLVED to:           (1) approve the publication of the Education Commissioning Plan 2015-2019;

                                                (2) delegate authority to the Director of Children’s Services to amend the plan prior to its publication if required; and

                                                (3) delegate authority to the Director of Children’s Services to update the School Organisation Policy in Appendix A of the Education Commissioning Plan 2015-2019 and the borough and district tables annually if appropriate.




20.3     An ongoing commitment to the provision of education places in 2018/19 and beyond is essential if East Sussex County Council is to meet its ongoing statutory responsibilities. This is linked to the ongoing demand for primary school places and the predicted future pressure for secondary school provision.