Issue - decisions

Schools Forum – DSG position statement

01/12/2016 - Schools Forum – DSG position statement

5.1       The Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability considered a report by the Director of Children’s Services which sought approval for transfers between the blocks of the Dedicated Schools Grant.


5.2       RESOLVED to approve the inter block transfer of funds within the Dedicated Schools Grant of £257,000 to 2 year old funding and a further sum of £700,000 (rounded up) to the High Needs Block, making a total transfer of £957,000 from the Schools Block for 2016/17.




5.3       The take up of two year olds accessing a funded place in East Sussex has risen from 72.24% to 86.24% for 2016/17 and there is a shortfall of funding between what ESCC pays and what it is funded for.


5.4       The pressures within the High Needs Block are significant and additional funding is required to support the increase in the number and cost of agency placements; the tutoring costs of unplaced pupils and the increase in place funding.