Issue - decisions

To consider the outcome of the public consultation and if appropriate approve the publication of a statutory notice in relation to the proposed closure of Rodmell CE Primary School.

20/07/2016 - Proposed Closure of Rodmell CE Primary School

13.1     The Cabinet considered a report by the Director of Children’s Services.

13.2     It was RESOLVED to halt the proposed closure of Rodmell CE Primary School and allow the governing body of Rodmell CE Primary School further time to submit a firm and viable proposal that would ensure a sustainable future model for the school for review by the Council during Term 5 of the 2016/17 academic year.


13.3     The number of responses from the consultation demonstrates that the majority of parents, pupils, staff , the governing body and the local community are against the proposed closure of the school.

13.4     At Full Council it was resolved that the process for closure be halted while emerging plans are put in place.  The Council remains very concerned about the long term sustainability in terms of its financial stability, its ability to secure consistently good outcomes for pupils, its ability to appoint high quality long term leadership that can move the school forward and its ability to attract pupils from within its community area.  However it is minded to allow time for the school to explore a sustainable partnership model           which should include further discussion with Iford and Kingston CE Primary School.