Issue - decisions

Fees charged by Trading Standards for chargeable business advice

10/11/2017 - Trading Standards Service's proposals for chargeable business advice

8.1       The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.




8.2       RESOLVED to            (1) approve the implementation of the East Sussex Trading Standards Virtual College at a cost of £15-£30 per online course;


 (2) approve the implementation and delivery of chargeable business workshops at a cost of £30 per delegate; and


 (3) approve the implementation of bespoke chargeable business advice at £72 per hour plus VAT.




8.3       The Trading Standards Service needs to seek ways of recovering costs where and when it can.  The proposed fees extend the current charging regime to advice that the Service is no longer able to deliver for free.  In order to help East Sussex businesses with this transition the Service is proposing to pilot and review charging in the first year.