Issue - decisions

Annual Governance Statement

21/07/2016 - Assessment of the Corporate Governance Framework for 2015-16

23.1     The Committee considered a report by the Monitoring Officer regarding the assessment of the Corporate Governance framework for 2015-16.


23.2     The Monitoring Officer informed the Committee that the Audit, Best Value and Community Services (ABVCS) Scrutiny Committee had made one comment in relation to the schools part of Children’s Services. The ABVCS Scrutiny Committee suggested that the section on the integration of financial, performance and risk management processes should be amended to where appropriate include the auditing of schools.


23.3     The Committee RESOLVED –


1)            to approve the action plan for the next year;


2)            to note that  items identified to enhance governance arrangements are reflected in Business Plans and that implementation will be monitored through the year;


3)            to confirm that Members are satisfied with the level of assurance provided to them through this report and the Council’s governance framework and processes;


4)            to note the comments from the Audit, Best Value and Community Services Scrutiny Committee; and


5)            to approve the Annual Governance Statement for signature by the Leader and the Chief Executive and publication within the Statement of Accounts.