Issue - decisions

Petition - North and East Beeches Road, Crowborough

04/10/2016 - Petition for a 20mph limit in the Beeches Estate, Crowborough

12.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.


12.2     Mr Graham Johnson, the Lead Petitioner and Councillor Martyn Garrett of Crowborough Town Council, spoke to request further consideration of the petition’s aims.




12.3     RESOLVED to advise the petitioners that a 20mph speed limit or traffic calming in North Beeches Road and East Beeches Road, Crowborough is not considered to be of sufficient priority for funding from the County Council budget. 




12.4     The proposal does not meet the key objectives provided in the Local Transport Plan as it is not within an area of economic regeneration and will offer no contribution in terms of casualty reduction.  The petitioners were advised of the Wealden Safer Partnership as a potential source of support.