Issue - decisions

A27 Improvements - Update Report

12/12/2016 - A27 Road Improvements - Update Report

27.1     The Team Manager, Strategic Economic Infrastructure introduced the report and explained the background to current proposals for the A27. The 2013 study of the A27 identified a number of road traffic hotspots and included an assessment of the options to deal with these problems. The outcomes of this study were published in 2014 and £75m of funding was allocated for small scale capacity improvement schemes. Improvement scheme proposals to address traffic problem hotspots around Selmeston, Berwick, Wilmington and Polegate are currently out for public consultation.


27.2     The A27 Reference Group has continued to lobby for a better ‘off line’ solution, and is looking to include proposals for housing and employment in a revised business case for the ‘off line’ solution. The preference of the A27 Reference Group is for an ‘off line’ dual carriageway road to be constructed to the north of the existing line of the A27.


27.3     The Committee discussed the proposals described in the report for small scale capacity improvements and longer term solutions to the congestion along the A27. The main points raised in the discussion are summarised below.


  • The Director of CET explained that the off line dualling (construction of a dual carriageway) of the A 27 would not have access to side routes to improve travelling times and to improve safety and road performance. It would also address the negative impact on the north-south movement of traffic that was caused by the poor performance of A27 and the consequent re-assignment of routes as drivers try to find ways to avoid the congestion.


  • Although the Committee welcomed any improvement to the A27, it considered that the small scale capacity improvements do not adequately deal with the problem.


  • The majority of the Committee supported the off line dualling of the A27 as the best long term solution, especially in view of 9,000 to10,000 additional new houses identified for construction in South Wealden. This would be the best option for the economy, to stop route diversion and improve road safety. The preferred solution would be to have the off line dual carriageway now rather that the smaller scale capacity improvements, which seem of little long term benefit.


  • The Director of CET explained that the A27 Reference Group see the off line dualling of the A27 as the long term solution, but it will take around 10 years to deliver. The localised small scale capacity improvements will be delivered by 2020 and will deal with the problems the road has now. The department considers that the Drusillas roundabout and Polegate junction improvements deliver the most benefit. The Selmeston and Wilmington schemes do not offer much improvement or benefit.


  • The department’s view is to undertake the two smaller improvement schemes with the most benefit (Drusillas roundabout and Polegate junction) and then focus work on the longer term solution. The department considers that the plans for the additional South Wealden housing improves the business case for the off line dualling of the A27.


  • One of the Committee members commented that many of the villages are opposed to the dual carriageway, but would support smaller improvements. Other Committee members supported the improvements to the Polegate junction and the Drusillas roundabout, but think village communities would benefit from a new road as it will reduce traffic going through them.


  • The A27 will be overcapacity by 50% by 2021. If the off line solution is delivered, the existing A27 would be de-trunked. Communities along the route will benefit from reduced through traffic, reduced congestion, improved travel time and improved road safety. The Highways England (HE) estimated cost of an off line dual carriageway, including changes to the Cophall roundabout, is £410m.


27.4     The Lead Member for Economy stated that Team East Sussex and all District and Borough Councils see this as the highest priority for transport improvement. The business case is based on the value of connectivity, with a supplementary benefit to economy. Therefore, the A27 Reference Group is pursuing this through the Department for Transport rather than the Department for Business Innovation and Skills.


27.5     The Lead Member for Resources added that the A27 Reference Group is absolutely still fighting for an off line solution. All the local Members of Parliament are pressing for this longer term solution. In the meantime there is an opportunity for some small scale improvements, which will not affect business case for the longer off line solution. The off line solution also has the full support of South Downs National Park.


27.6     The Committee RESOLVED to note the progress that is being made by Highways England on their smaller scale proposals for the A27 between Lewes and Polegate, and for making the case for a more comprehensive offline solution that supports economic growth specifically in the Eastbourne/South Wealden areas as well as the rest of the county.