Issue - decisions

Traffic calming measures around Bourne School

10/07/2017 - Traffic calming measures around Bourne School, Eastbourne

6.1       The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.


6.2       Ms Ratusniak Silva, the Lead Petitioner, spoke in support of the petition and provided photographs of the local conditions.  The Lead Petitioner and Local Member were encouraged to work with the school to address anti-social driving and parking.




6.3       RESOLVED to advise the petitioners that (1) traffic calming measures around Bourne School are not a priority for the County Council at the present time;


(2)        consideration has been given to the installation of school warning signs in locations deemed appropriate by the Local Traffic and Safety Team; and


(3)        additional parking restrictions have been included for consideration as part of the Parking Team’s 2017 Eastbourne Parking Review.




6.4       The County Council has a limited amount of funding to develop local transport improvements and resources need to be targeted to those schemes which will be of greatest benefit to our local communities. To help prioritise the numerous requests for improvements a process to determine which schemes should be funded through our Integrated Transport programme was developed. A traffic calming scheme for the roads around Bourne School has been assessed to determine if it might be a priority for future consideration. The proposal did not meet the benchmark score to enable it to be taken forward at this time.


6.5       The provision of School warning signs has been assessed against the national criteria by the Local Traffic and Safety Team who have arranged for appropriate signing to be installed.  Additional parking restrictions will be considered as part of the ongoing review of parking in Eastbourne and, subject to their prioritisation, will be progressed as part of this review.