Issue - decisions

2017/18 Strategic Investment Plan for East Sussex Better Together

11/04/2017 - 2017/18 Strategic Investment Plan for East Sussex Better Together

23.1     The Leader and Lead Member for Strategic Management and Economic Development considered a report by the Director of Adult Social Care and Health.




23.2     RESOLVED to (1) agree the Strategic Investment Plan as set out in Appendix 1 of the report; and

(2) agree that authority is delegated to the Strategic Commissioning Board to make any subsequent amendments to the Strategic Investment Plan as set out in the report.




23.3     The Strategic Investment Plan will enable the County Council and Eastbourne, Hailsham and Seaford CCG and Hastings and Rother CCG to align the health and social care investment to deliver the transformation in how care is provide across the East Sussex Better Together footprint and establish a clinically and financially sustainable system.