
Use the search options below to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the Council’s Cabinet and Lead Members, and delegated decisions taken by officers.

Upcoming decisions of the Cabinet and Lead Members can be viewed in the Council’s Forward Plan, which is updated every month.

Decisions involving the procurement of goods or services can also be viewed on the Local Government Transparency Code For Contracts and Purchase Orders Over £5k webpage.

Decisions published

23/05/2024 - Burfield Academy and Phoenix Academy ref: 2173    Recommendations Approved

To consider the local authority’s response to Step Academy Trust’s consultation on a proposal to amalgamate Burfield Academy and Phoenix Academy.

Decision Maker: Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability

Made at meeting: 23/05/2024 - Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability

Decision published: 23/05/2024

Effective from: 31/05/2024


10.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Children’s Services regarding Burfield Academy and Phoenix Academy.


10.2     It was noted that there was a typographical error with the numbering of the paragraphs in section 1 of the report. This should read as follows:


·       Paragraph 1.4 should read as 1.5; and

·       Paragraph 1.5 should read as 1.6.


10.3     Following discussion with Members present, the Lead Member requested for the inclusion of a revised travel plan regarding the children moving to the Phoenix Academy site and the potential impact this may cause.  Officers undertook to include this in the local authority’s response to the consultation.






10.4     The Lead Member RESOLVED:


1)    to approve the local authority responding to Step Academy Trust’s consultation on the amalgamation of Burfield Academy and Phoenix Academy, confirming that it does not object to the proposal.

2)    to acknowledge that the final decision is not for the local authority who are consultees.

3)    that the regional school commissioner and the DfE be asked to take account of the strong feelings of the parents and pupils of Burfield and Phoenix academies as detailed in the emails and petitions submitted; and

4)    to request that any decision by the DfE takes fully into account the emerging Wealden Local plan and current housing provisions already granted.





10.5     The proposed amalgamation of the two schools, and the subsequent reduction in capacity in the area, would be unlikely to put pressure on school places in the short term. The proposal will mean that instead of two schools with low numbers there will be one school with pupil numbers close to their published admission number (PAN). This is likely to provide educational benefits to pupils, due to the Trust being able to provide a greater breadth of curriculum, pupil support and extra curricula opportunities.


10.6     The planning issue with regard to the “Kiss and Drop” facility is seen by the local authority as a catalyst for the merger proposal and not a major reason in itself.


10.7     On the basis of the projected pupil numbers in Hailsham and surroundings areas the local authority does not object to the proposed merger.

Divisions affected: Hailsham Market; Hailsham New Town;

Lead officer: Gary Langford

23/05/2024 - Permitted Extension - Supported Accommodation Approved Provider List ref: 2172    Recommendations Approved

East Sussex County Council (ESCC) have a joint procurement framework & application process for organisations to become a contracted approved provider.


This process ensures ESCC establish overarching quality and support requirements in the support being delivered.  This also sets out specialist requirements for specific care groups.


The care group are Working Age 18-65 and include Learning Disability, Physical Disability and Mental Health. The contracted period was for 5 (plus optional 2 years).


It is requested that permission is granted for a further 2 years.

Decision Maker: Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health

Made at meeting: 23/05/2024 - Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health

Decision published: 23/05/2024

Effective from: 31/05/2024


5.1       The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Adult Social Care and Health regarding a permitted extension to the Supported Accommodation Approved Provider List.




5.2       The Lead Member RESOLVED to:


1) Note the quality of the process that is in place and that it is efficient, drives value for money and meets current needs demand; and


2) Agree the extension of the Supported Living Approved Provider List for 24 months until 31 May 2026.




5.3       The current arrangements to commission new providers are efficient and do not require full scale commissioning programmes that would otherwise require significant co-ordination and staffing resource.


5.4       The current application process is working, it sets out well designed quality benchmarks for service provision and ensures a fluid growth in the provider market.


5.5       Extending for 2 years will enable time for commissioners and partners to fully scope out the future priorities, further consider opportunities to develop the specification focusing on clients with complex needs where there are currently limited services in county.


5.6       The current procurement arrangement supports small and medium size providers to design and develop care where there are significant needs for growth (e.g. Wealden and Rural Rother) and minimises growth in other areas where provision is at reasonable capacity.


5.7       The incremental growth of the provider market is a priority across all care groups and the provider market can expand and support pressures in the system. A recent Mental Health audit highlights that the level of service to meet demand requires a 10% increase with a focus on complex needs.


5.8       There is a continued demand for high quality supported living services (and accommodation) for people with a learning disability in East Sussex. Increasing settled accommodation options continues to be a key priority and there is a demand for growth within this service area.

Lead officer: Kenny Mackay

22/05/2024 - Petition: Make 20mph a default on our residential streets (Hastings and St Leonards) ref: 2169    Recommendations Approved

To consider the petition asking that the County Council make 20mph a default on residential streets (Hastings and St Leonards).

Decision Maker: Lead Member for Transport and Environment

Made at meeting: 22/05/2024 - Lead Member for Transport and Environment

Decision published: 22/05/2024

Effective from: 30/05/2024


5.1       The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.


5.2       Councillor Amanda Jobson, the Lead Petitioner for the petition calling on the County Council to make 20mph a default on residential streets in Hastings and St Leonards spoke to highlight safety concerns in hot-spot residential areas in Hastings and St Leonards and the benefits of a lower speed limit in those areas.




5.3       The Lead Member RESOLVED to advise petitioners that:


1) East Sussex County Council each year introduces a range of road safety improvements, which can include 20mph schemes, traffic calming and pedestrian crossings, through the multi-faceted approach as set out in the report;


2) The Council is committed to working with all stakeholders to improve road safety across East Sussex, including partners from the Sussex Safer Roads Partnership;


3) The Council has a finite amount of funding to develop local transport improvements and needs to ensure that resources are targeted to those schemes which will be of greatest benefit to local communities. A potential scheme to introduce a default 20mph speed limit for residential roads across Hastings and St Leonards has been assessed through the approved scheme prioritisation process and is not a priority for the Council at the present time;


4) A potential scheme to introduce a default 20mph speed limit for residential roads across Hastings and St Leonards would not comply with the revised national guidance on setting local speed limits as it would be a blanket measure; and


5) The East Sussex County Council Speed Management Programme has assessed the potential for lower speed limits across all A and B class roads within the county and will now identify a programme of improvements, which will include reductions in speed limits or measures that will increase the effectiveness of existing speed limits.



5.4       East Sussex County Council is committed to working with all stakeholders to improve road safety across East Sussex, and each year introduces a range of road safety improvements, which can include 20mph schemes, traffic calming and pedestrian crossings, through the multi-faceted approach as set out in the report.


5.5       The Council has a finite amount of funding to develop local transport improvements and needs to ensure that resources are targeted to those schemes which will be of greatest benefit to local communities.


5.6       A potential scheme to introduce a default 20mph speed limit for residential roads across Hastings and St Leonards would not comply with the revised national guidance on setting local speed limits as it would be a blanket measure.

Divisions affected: Hastings - Ashdown and Conquest; Hastings - Baird and Ore; Hastings - Braybrooke and Castle; Hastings - Central St Leonards and Gensing; Hastings - Hollington and Wishing Tree; Hastings - Maze Hill and West St Leonards; Hastings - Old Hastings and Tressell; Hastings - St Helens and Silverhill;

Lead officer: Kelly Burr

22/05/2024 - The High Weald Management Plan ref: 2171    Recommendations Approved

The Lead Member will be recommended to adopt the latest review of the High Weald Management Plan, which covers the period 2024 to 2029.  This will enable the County Council to meet its statutory duty of preparing and publishing a Management Plan for the High Weald Protected Landscape.

Decision Maker: Lead Member for Transport and Environment

Made at meeting: 22/05/2024 - Lead Member for Transport and Environment

Decision published: 22/05/2024

Effective from: 30/05/2024


7.1       The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.




7.2       The Lead Member RESOLVED to adopt the High Weald Management Plan 2024 – 2029, as approved by the High Weald Joint Advisory Committee.




7.3       Adoption of the latest review of the High Weald Management Plan 2024-29, will enable the County Council to meet its statutory duty to ensure the preparation and publication of a Management Plan for those parts of the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) that lie within the administrative boundary.

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Virginia Pullan

22/05/2024 - Proposal for East Sussex County Council to charge new nationally set fees for Registration services ref: 2170    Recommendations Approved

The General Register Office are making changes to their statutory fees relating to the Registration Service. The Registration Service sets some discretionary fees of its own, which are approved by Full Council in February of each year. The remainder of the fees levied are set nationally by General Register Office and these change from time to time.

Decision Maker: Lead Member for Transport and Environment

Made at meeting: 22/05/2024 - Lead Member for Transport and Environment

Decision published: 22/05/2024

Effective from: 30/05/2024


6.1       The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.




6.2       The Lead Member RESOLVED to:


1) Approve that East Sussex County Council charges fees for Registration services in line with legislation Regulation 5(1) of The Registration of Births, Deaths, Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Fees and Records) (Amendment) Regulations 2024; and


2) Delegate authority to the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport to approve any future changes in fees payable for Registration services in line with legislation.




6.3       The cost to East Sussex County Council of providing Registration services increases each year and many of the current statutory fees are now significantly out of line with the cost of providing these services.


6.4       For fairness and transparency reasons, customers who have already pre-paid for services, such as Certificates, Statutory Marriage/Civil Partnerships, and Notice appointments for their upcoming Marriage/Civil Partnerships, will not be asked to pay the difference in fees; so only new customer bookings and orders will be levied at the new statutory fee rates.

Lead officer: Steve Quayle

24/05/2024 - The East Sussex (A22 London Road, Forest Row)(Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2024 ref: 2168    Recommendations Approved

To allow East Sussex Highways to carry out works, East Sussex County Council have made an Order under Sections 14(1) and 15(1)(b) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, which will temporarily close the following length of road;

Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

Decision published: 21/05/2024

Effective from: 24/05/2024


Temporary Road Closure
London Road - from the junction with A22 Lewes Road to the junction with C250 Wall Hill Road.

A safe route will be provided for pedestrians and vehicular access for residents and to properties maintained whenever possible with an alternative route for through traffic via A22 (West Sussex) – A264 Holtye Road, Colestock Road, East Grinstead Road – A264 (Kent) – A26 (Kent) – A267 Frant Road – C70 Bunny Lane – A26 Eridge Road, Beacon Road, Uckfield Road, Five Ash Down, Uckfield Bypass – A22 Maresfield Bypass, Horney Common, High Street, Mill Brook Hill, Wych Cross, Lewes Road and vice versa.

The Order commences 28 May 2024 and lasts for a period of 18 months, or until works are completed, whichever is earlier. However, it is anticipated works will be undertaken from 20:00hrs to 06:00hrs between 28 May & 22 June 2024, depending upon the weather conditions.

If you require further information telephone Network Management on 0345 60 80 193.

Lead officer: Rupert Clubb

21/05/2024 - 117 South Coast Road, Peacehaven - Disposal of Freehold ref: 2167    Recommendations Approved

This is a residential dwelling that is surplus to operational requirements. Lead Member approval is being sought to formally declare the property to be surplus, and to approve the disposal of the asset. The Lead Member report will seek for the Chief Operating Officer to be granted authority to agree detailed terms with the preferred purchaser at a later date.

Decision Maker: Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change

Made at meeting: 21/05/2024 - Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change

Decision published: 21/05/2024

Effective from: 29/05/2024


5.1       The Lead Member considered a report by the Chief Operating Officer.




5.2       The Lead Member RESOLVED to:


1) Declare 117 South Coast Road, Peacehaven, as shown on the Plan in Appendix 1 of the report, surplus to the Council’s requirements;


2) Approve the disposal of 117 South Coast Road, Peacehaven to Lewes District Council;


3) Delegate authority to the Chief Operating Officer to agree the terms of the sale to achieve the best consideration reasonably obtainable for the Site in accordance with s.123 of the Local Government Act 1972; and


4) Delegate authority to the Chief Operating Officer to take all actions necessary to give effect to the recommendations in the report.




5.3       Agreeing a sale of the freehold to Lewes District Council will give the County Council a capital receipt and will enable Lewes District Council to undertake necessary improvement works to the property, while maintaining the secure social housing tenancy.

Divisions affected: Peacehaven;

Lead officer: Rebecca Lewis

17/05/2024 - The East Sussex (A265 Mutton Hall Hill, Heathfield)(Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2024 ref: 2164    Recommendations Approved

To allow Southern Water to carry out works, East Sussex County Council have made an Order under Sections 14(1) and 15(1)(b) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended, which will temporarily close the following length of road;

Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

Decision published: 10/05/2024

Effective from: 17/05/2024


Temporary Road Closure
Mutton Hall Hill - from the junction with B2203 Tower Street to the junction with U7064 Marshlands Lane.

A safe route will be provided for pedestrians and vehicular access for residents and to properties maintained whenever possible with an alternative route for through traffic via A265 High Street, Cross In Hand Road – A267 Little London Road – B2203 High Street, Maynards Green Road, Hailsham Road, Tower Street and vice versa.

The Order commences 22 May 2024 and lasts for a period of 18 months, or until works are completed, whichever is earlier. However, it is anticipated works will be undertaken from 22:00hrs to 06:00hrs on 22 & 23 May 2024, depending upon the weather conditions.

If you require further information telephone Network Management on 0345 60 80 193.

Lead officer: Rupert Clubb