ePetition details

Make the junction on Plurenden/ Bethersden Road safer

We the undersigned petition the council to make the junction on Plurenden/ Bethersden Road safer. After our beautiful jessie, her boyfriend josh and their unborn baby boy lost their lives in the recent accident at the junction of Plurenden and Bethersden Rd we are campaigning to try and get better signposting in the area, especially for the nighttime to hopefully avoid future accidents.

We visited this junction yesterday to lay flowers for our beautiful jessie and in this time we witnessed 2 near accidents. These were in the daytime and should be avoidable in the light, yet the signs were missed. This just proves our point that in the nighttime this junction can be truly fatal, as we have sadly found out. We would like there to be better, clearer signposting in this area, that are clear in the nighttime too, so no other family feel the heartache we are currently feeling.

This ePetition ran from 13/06/2023 to 01/02/2024 and has now finished.

3 people signed this ePetition.