ePetition details

Closure of Footpath Buxted 24

We the undersigned petition the council to get our local footpath open again, without further delay to the most recent closure extension to March 2024, as recently granted by the Secretary of State.

High Hurstwood footpath Buxted 24 which runs from Chillies Lane to Perryman's Lane has been closed for 15 years due to a landslide that collapsed the bridge and public walkway.

The council has said “there is nothing the County Council can realistically do to expedite a solution or carry out works to the footpath until the property stabilisation works have been done".

We disagree.

The council can divert the footpath away from the area of the landslide. A diversion of 10-20 metres would enable a new bridge to be safely built and the footpath reopened.

A public footpath can be legally diverted if this diversion benefits the public and we demand that the council takes this action before yet further delay is caused by waiting on completion of the property stabilisation work.

We have been without the benefit of this beautiful and beneficial footpath for far too long!

This ePetition ran from 08/08/2023 to 19/11/2023 and has now finished.

188 people signed this ePetition.