The County Council’s Transport Development Control team is looking to introduce an amended mechanism for how developer led highway works are agreed with the County Council. Currently this is generally through Section 278 agreements, which will remain the case for the majority of schemes. However, where the proposed highway works are of a low value and present minimal risk to the County Council’s highway asset, a new light touch process is proposed to be introduced. This will be in the form of Mini Section 278 agreements. The report to Lead Member will seek approval for this approach, along with the proposed guidance on this matter to be published.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/02/2024
Decision due: 11 Mar 2024 by Lead Member for Transport and Environment
Lead member: Lead Member for Transport and Environment
Lead director: Director of Communities, Economy and Transport
Department: Communities, Economy and Transport
Contact: Michelle Edser, Team Manager Transport Development Planning 07542 029131 Email: Tel: 07542 029131.