Issue details

Proposed implementation of a booking system at Household Waste Recycling Sites

East Sussex County Council (ESCC) operate a network of 10 household waste recycling sites. Between 18 October and 22 December 2024, ESCC consulted on proposals to introduce a booking scheme at waste recycling sites. As well as helping managing queues at peak times at the busiest sites, the proposed scheme would help prevent traders brining in illegal commercial waste which is disposed of at taxpayers expense and would also ensure only East Sussex residents are accessing the sites. The Lead member will consider whether or not to implement a booking system following the conclusion of the consultation.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Item Called In

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/11/2024

Decision due: 24 Feb 2025 by Lead Member for Transport and Environment

Lead member: Lead Member for Transport and Environment

Lead director: Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

Department: Communities, Economy and Transport

Contact: Anthony Pope, Senior Technical Officer - Waste 07714 481648 Email: Tel: 01273 481657.


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