Issue - meetings

Care Leavers

Meeting: 23/11/2015 - Children's Services Scrutiny Committee (Item 25)

25 Services to care leavers - Action Plan update pdf icon PDF 213 KB

Report by Director of Children’s Services

Additional documents:


25.1    The report provided the Committee with an update on progress in relation to an Action Plan developed by the Department following an Ofsted inspection of Children in Need of Help and Protection, Children Looked After and Care Leavers  (the outcome of the inspection was published in March 2014).  Ofsted judged the services in this area as ‘Good’, with the Adoption Service being judged as ‘Outstanding’.   However, one sub-judgement of ‘Requires Improvement’ was issued in relation to the Care Leavers service.  As a result the Department developed an Action Plan to address Ofsted’s findings for this service. 


25.2    Following introductory remarks from Stuart Gallimore, Director of Children’s Services, Liz  Rugg, Assistant Director (Early Help and Social Care), provided a summary of progress on the Action Plan.  This included confirmation that the Care Leavers Service is now one team, based in a single office location and that the Department have strengthened the proportion of qualified social work staff to non-qualified social work staff.   This strengthening has helped with planning and risk assessment.   Feedback from care leavers has also been sought to assist with developing effective pathway plans which are audited to ensure they are in a suitable format for young people.   Progress has also been made with regard to the Virtual School and the assistance it has provided in helping improve outcomes for Care Leavers.


25.3    The area that continues to be a challenge for the Department relates to accommodation.     Whilst there continues to be some supported accommodation available, such as the YMCA, there is insufficient provision to meet demand – particularly in the east of the county.   Given the savings required in the next 3 years, it is the Department’s view that this situation is likely to deteriorate further.   This may mean further use of Bed and Breakfast accommodation where no other provision is possible and the alternative would be street homelessness.


Comments and Questions


25.4   The Committee thanked the Department for the update on the Action Plan and debated a number of issues which are summarized below.


  • Apprenticeships.   The Committee felt the current performance regarding take-up of apprenticeships by care leavers was disappointing.  A query was also raised about whether more could be done to look at alternative sources of funding and support for this area (so as to help boost the levels of apprenticeships taken-up by care leavers).  In response, Anna Brookes (Head of Virtual School and Education, Employment and Training Coordinator) explained that whilst the apprenticeship figures are disappointing, the Department had tried hard to improve take-up levels.  For example, a number of young people had started apprenticeships, but not all were successfully completed.   The main impediment to successful completion appearing to be an affordability issue, as young people lose housing benefits if they accept the offer of an apprenticeship.   In response to a suggestion that representations should be made to the Government about the complexity of the benefits system in relation to young people, the Committee were informed that this area is being  ...  view the full minutes text for item 25