Committee’s future work programme for the months ahead is
available to view online as a standing agenda item considered at
each meeting.
This scrutiny committee looks at the following
areas of work within the Council:
Children’s Social Care:
Commissioning and delivery of social care services for children and
young people
Health services (exercised by the County Council)
Safeguarding vulnerable children and young people
Looked after children
Youth development services
Youth offending services
Early years, childcare and extended schools services
Learning and school effectiveness
Inclusion support services
Adult education
Special Education Needs
School admissions and school transport
School organisation and place planning
Skills (Education)
Social Care:
Commissioning and delivery of social care services for adults and
older people
Support for carers
Universal preventative and ‘signposting’ services
related to social care for adults and older people
Safeguarding vulnerable adults
Public Health
Community Safety including the work of the East Sussex Safer
Communities Steering Group
Crime and disorder matters (Police and Justice Act 2006)
terms of reference of this committee can be found in the
Council’s Constitution.