Use the search options below to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the Council’s Cabinet and Lead Members, and delegated decisions taken by officers.
Upcoming decisions of the Cabinet and Lead Members can be viewed in the Council’s Forward Plan, which is updated every month.
Decisions involving the procurement of goods or services can also be viewed on the Local Government Transparency Code For Contracts and Purchase Orders Over £5k webpage.
The decision was taken to extend the current
contract rather than retender, due to market uncertainty and
limited suppliers. The extension forms part of the original tender
so by using it we are not exposed to this volatility.
Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Economy and Transport
Decision published: 27/11/2023
Effective from: 02/12/2023
The Services Agreement for the processing and
disposal of dry mixed recyclables will be extended for a period of
two years until 28 June 2026, as allowed for in Clause 3.3 of the
Lead officer: Rupert Clubb
The decision required is to continue to procure some Public Health services directly with GP Practices and Community Pharmacies to ensure opportunistic delivery and data returns.
Opportunistic delivery is made possible in that people are likely to be visiting their GP or Pharmacy about a range of health conditions which presents opportunities to signpost and refer to available Public Health funded services.
Decision Maker: Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health
Made at meeting: 21/11/2023 - Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health
Decision published: 21/11/2023
Effective from: 28/11/2023
35.1 The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Adult Social Care and Health regarding the direct award of contracts to GP Practices for the provision of Public Health services.
35.2 The Lead Member RESOLVED to agree to waive procurement standing orders to allow a Direct Award of Public Health Local Service Agreements to General Practitioner (GP) Practices for delivery of the mandated Public Health services (NHS Health Checks and Sexual Health Services).
35.3 Waiving the local authority’s procurement and contract standing orders will enable Public Health to continue the existing commissioning arrangements and make a direct award of contract to GP Practices to offer mandated public health services to their patients.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Darrell Gale
To accept the Hastings Town Deal funded grant for East Sussex County Council to act as a delivery partner for Hastings Borough Council for the Hastings Town Centre Public Realm and Green Connections project. This project has £9,754,458 of funding from Hastings Town Deal and £400k from the Local Growth Fund.
Decision Maker: Lead Member for Transport and Environment
Made at meeting: 20/11/2023 - Lead Member for Transport and Environment
Decision published: 20/11/2023
Effective from: 25/11/2023
43.1 The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.
43.2 The Lead Member RESOLVED to:
(1) Approve East Sussex County Council, as the scheme delivery partner, entering into a grant funding agreement with Hastings Borough Council in relation to the £9,754,458 of Town Fund allocated for the delivery of the Hastings Town Centre Public Realm and Green Connections project: and
(2) Delegate authority to the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer and Assistant Chief Executive, to negotiate and agree the terms of the grant funding agreement between Hastings Borough Council and East Sussex County Council.
43.3 In 2019 Hastings Borough Council successfully secured £24.4m from the Government’s Towns Fund programme towards driving the economic regeneration of Hastings to deliver long term economic and productivity growth, through investment in urban regeneration, infrastructure, and connectivity.
43.4 The Hastings Town Centre Public Realm and Green Connections project builds on the character of Hastings and will deliver a high-quality public realm improvement that will support revival of its centre whilst also bringing nature into the town and promoting active travel.
43.5 The County Council, acting as the scheme delivery body, will enter into a grant funding agreement with Hastings Borough Council to defray the funding allocation to the County Council, progress the consultation, detailed design and construction by the end of the Towns Fund period on 31 March 2026.
43.6 A grant funding agreement will also reiterate precisely what the body is being asked to do and provide reasons for proposed course of action.
Divisions affected: Hastings - Braybrooke and Castle;
Lead officer: Ellie McDaniel
Agreement to East Sussex County Council becoming a joint applicant in the application for the de-registration and replacement of a section of Common Land 57 (CL57) and Common Land 96 (CL96), known as Foulride Green, Lower Willingdon Eastbourne. Delegation of authority to the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport to sign the application form.
Decision Maker: Lead Member for Transport and Environment
Made at meeting: 20/11/2023 - Lead Member for Transport and Environment
Decision published: 20/11/2023
Effective from: 25/11/2023
42.1 The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Tranpsort.
42.2 The Lead Member RESOLVED to:
(1) Agree to East Sussex County Council becoming a joint applicant in the application already submitted by Messrs Peter and Robert Vine to the Secretary of State under Section 16 of the Commons Registration Act 2006 for the de-registration and replacement of a section of Common Land 57 (CL57) and Common Land 96 (CL96), known as Foulride Green, Lower Willingdon Eastbourne, to provide access to and egress from a proposed mixed-use development of land from the A2270 Eastbourne Road at Mornings Mill Farm (granted outline planning approval under WD/2021/0174/MEA); and
(2) Delegate authority to the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport to take all necessary steps in connection with the application, including but not limited to, signing the application form, providing evidence in support of the application and any further requirements of the Secretary of State.
42.3 Planning permission was granted for the proposed development in September 2022. The release of the sections of CL57 and CL96 is necessary to provide access to and egress from a proposed mixed-use development of land from the A2270 Eastbourne Road at Mornings Mill Farm.
42.4 The de-registered sections of Common Land will be replaced with a larger area of Common Land with greater amenity value.
42.5 Due to the existence of a Public Footpath East Sussex County Council is required by the Planning Inspectorate to be a ‘joint-applicant.’ However, the public footpath rights are unaffected by the proposal.
Divisions affected: Willingdon and South Downs;
Lead officer: Mary Wise
To set out the results of the public consultation on proposals to introduce traffic management measures in Alfriston and to recommend next steps.
Decision Maker: Lead Member for Transport and Environment
Made at meeting: 20/11/2023 - Lead Member for Transport and Environment
Decision published: 20/11/2023
Effective from: 25/11/2023
41.1 The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.
41.2 The Lead Member RESOLVED to:
(1) Note the comments of the public consultation; and
(2) Approve the proposal for the traffic management improvements as set out in the report to be taken forward to detailed design and construction as part of the Capital Programme for Local Transport Improvements.
41.3 The proposed package of traffic management improvements for Alfriston village are designed to provide greater comfort and safety for those walking and cycling in the village, and to encourage drivers and riders to respect the historic environment through which they are travelling.
41.4 The proposed build-outs at either end of the village will serve as speed-reducing features and support the proposed 20mph speed limit; address congestion by giving priority to vehicles exiting the village; as well as provide a gateway on the entry points into the village.
41.5 The proposed improvements to HGV route signing will help address inappropriate use of the C39 by lorries.
41.6 Following the stakeholder consultation in autumn 2022 and public consultation in early 2023, there is a significant level of support locally for the proposed traffic management measures in Alfriston village, with only limited concerns highlighted around congestion and journey times which are outweighed by the benefits that the scheme will provide.
Divisions affected: Willingdon and South Downs;
Lead officer: Andrew Keer
To consider a petition calling on the County Council for a safe crossing to Hartfield Square on The Avenue in Eastbourne.
Decision Maker: Lead Member for Transport and Environment
Made at meeting: 20/11/2023 - Lead Member for Transport and Environment
Decision published: 20/11/2023
Effective from: 25/11/2023
40.1 The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.
40.2 Mr David Davies, the Lead Petitioner for the petition calling on the County Council to consider a safe crossing to Hartfield Square on the Avenue, Eastbourne spoke to highlight the number of vulnerable people who use the current traffic island to cross the Avenue to Hartfield Square and safety concerns relating to pedestrians using the current traffic island including the size of the island, visibility when dark and speed of traffic at this location.
40.3 The Lead Member RESOLVED to advise the petitioners that a potential scheme to implement pedestrian crossing facilities to Hartfield Square on The Avenue has been assessed through the approved High Level Sift process and has met the necessary criteria to be taken forward to detailed appraisal.
40.4 A scheme to improve pedestrian crossing facilities to Hartfield Square on The Avenue has met the necessary benchmark score to be considered for detailed appraisal and for possible inclusion within the Capital Programme.
Divisions affected: Eastbourne - Upperton;
Lead officer: Victoria Bartholomew
It was agreed at Lead Member for Adult Social
Care And Health meeting on 12 June 2023 that the Director of Adult
Social Care & Health would be delegated to make the contract
award decision under the scheme of delegation.
Decision Maker: Director of Adult Social Care and Health
Decision published: 20/11/2023
Effective from: 25/11/2023
To make the contract award for Integrated
Health and Wellbeing Service.
Lead officer: Mark Stainton
To allow South East Water to carry out works,
East Sussex County Council have made an Order under Sections 14(1)
and 15(1)(b) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as amended,
which will temporarily close the following length of
Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Economy and Transport
Decision published: 17/11/2023
Effective from: 24/11/2023
Temporary Road Closure
Cavell Avenue North/Southview Road - from the junction with U5916
Roderick Avenue to the junction with U5848 Firle Road.
A safe route will be provided for pedestrians and vehicular access
for residents and to properties maintained whenever possible with a
safe route for through traffic via U5916 Roderick Avenue –
U5848 Firle Road and vice versa.
The Order commences 27 November 2023 and lasts for a period of 18
months, or until works are completed, whichever is earlier.
However, it is anticipated works will be undertaken between 27
November 2023 & 2 February 2024 depending upon the weather
If you require further information telephone Network Management on
0345 60 80 193.
Lead officer: Rupert Clubb
To allow East Sussex Highways to carry out
works, East Sussex County Council have made an Order under Sections
14(1) and 15(1)(b) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as
amended, which will temporarily close the following length of
Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Economy and Transport
Decision published: 17/11/2023
Effective from: 24/11/2023
Temporary Road Closure
Offham Road - from the junction with U5111 The Avenue to the
junction with U5109 Prince Edwards Road.
A safe route will be provided for pedestrians and vehicular access
for residents and to properties maintained whenever possible with
an alternative route for through traffic eastbound via A2029 White
Hill, Mount Pleasant, West Street, North Street, Little East
Street, Eastgate Street – A277 High Street, Western Road
– A275 Nevill Road – A2029 Offham Road and westbound
via A2029 Offham Road - A275 Nevill Road – A277 Spital Road,
Western Road, High Street – A2029 Fisher Street, White Hill,
Offham Road.
The Order commences 24 November 2023 and lasts for a period of 18
months, or until works are completed, whichever is earlier.
However, it is anticipated works will be undertaken from 19:00hrs
to 07:00hrs between 24 & 28 November 2023 depending upon the
weather conditions.
If you require further information telephone Network Management on
0345 60 80 193.
Lead officer: Rupert Clubb
To allow East Sussex Highways to carry out
works, East Sussex County Council have made an Order under Sections
14(1) and 15(1)(b) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as
amended, which will temporarily close the following length of
Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Economy and Transport
Decision published: 17/11/2023
Effective from: 24/11/2023
Temporary Road Closure
Cantelupe Road - from the junction with U6572 Middlesex Road to the
junction with U6572 Bolebrook Road.
A safe route will be provided for pedestrians and vehicular access
for residents and to properties maintained whenever possible with
an alternative route for through traffic via U6572 Middlesex Road -
U6736 De La Warr Parade - U6572 Bolebrook Road and vice
The Order commences 27 November 2023 and lasts for a period of 18
months, or until works are completed, whichever is earlier.
However, it is anticipated works will be undertaken between 27
November & 31 December 2023 depending upon the weather
If you require further information telephone Network Management on
0345 60 80 193.
Lead officer: Rupert Clubb
To make a final decision on the proposed closure of St Pancras Catholic Primary School following the publication of a statutory proposal by the governing board of the school in September 2023.
In accordance with legislation, the proposal must be determined within two months of the end of the four-week representation period which followed publication.
Decision Maker: Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability
Made at meeting: 14/11/2023 - Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability
Decision published: 14/11/2023
Effective from: 21/11/2023
36.1 The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Children’s Services to determine the statutory proposal to discontinue St Pancras Catholic Primary School on 31 August 2024.
36.2 The Lead Member RESOLVED to approve the closure of St Pancras Catholic Primary School on 31 August 2024.
36.3 A small majority of families at the school who responded to the governing board’s consultation (56%) supported the proposal to close St Pancras. Parishioners and other interested parties were generally opposed to the proposal. Five responses were received during the representation period following the publication of the statutory proposal, raising comments and concerns about the proposal.
36.4 While recognising the nature of objections to the proposal, the local authority believes the case for the closure of St Pancras is strong for the following reasons.
· Due to the surplus places in the area, the school has struggled for a number of years to be full.
· Surplus places in Lewes remain high. The local authority is confident there would be sufficient school places available in the area for children displaced from St Pancras on 31 August 2024. Pupil forecasts indicate that the situation in the area is unlikely to change markedly in the coming years.
· The low pupil numbers, and the impact on the budget, limit the school’s capacity to improve the quality of education that it can provide.
· The governing board and the diocese have brought forward the proposal and are supportive of closure.
36.5 Having carefully considered the feedback received during the initial consultation and the subsequent representation period, the local authority has concluded that St Pancras can no longer be considered viable.
36.6 The Regulations set out the options the decision-maker has when making a decision on a closure proposal. The decision-maker can:
· reject the proposal;
· approve the proposal without modification;
· approve the proposal with such modifications as they think desirable; or
· approve the proposal, with or without modification, as specified in regulation 16 of the Establishment and Discontinuance Regulations.
Divisions affected: Lewes; Ringmer and Lewes Bridge;
Lead officer: Gary Langford
To seek Lead Member approval to publish a School Organisation Plan for the period 2023 to 2027.
The School Organisation Plan sets out how East Sussex County Council (the local authority), in accordance with its statutory duty, seeks to ensure there are sufficient primary, secondary, and special school places in the right locations to meet demand.
Decision Maker: Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability
Made at meeting: 14/11/2023 - Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability
Decision published: 14/11/2023
Effective from: 21/11/2023
37.1 The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Children’s Services seeking approval for the publication of the School Organisation Plan 2023 to 2027.
37.2 The Lead Member RESOLVED to approve the publication of the School Organisation Plan 2023 to 2027.
37.3 The local authority has a statutory duty to ensure there are sufficient school places to meet demand across East Sussex. The draft School Organisation Plan for the period 2023 to 2027 sets out how the local authority seeks to ensure there are sufficient primary, secondary and special school places in the right locations to meet demand.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Gary Langford
To make a final decision on the proposed closure of Holy Cross CE Primary School following the publication of a statutory proposal by the local authority in September 2023.
In accordance with legislation, the proposal must be determined within two months of the end of the four-week representation period which followed publication.
Decision Maker: Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability
Made at meeting: 14/11/2023 - Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability
Decision published: 14/11/2023
Effective from: 21/11/2023
35.1 The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Children’s Services to determine the statutory proposal to discontinue Holy Cross Church of England Primary School on 31 December 2023.
35.2 The Lead Member RESOLVED to approve the closure of Holy Cross Church of England Primary School on 31 December 2023.
35.3 The local authority believes the case for the closure of Holy Cross is strong for the following reasons:
· The school has suffered from a lack of popularity in the local community for some years, which has led to falling pupil numbers going back over a decade.
· There are surplus school places in Uckfield. The local authority would work with local schools to ensure there are places available for children displaced from Holy Cross in the event it closes.
· The school has struggled to secure good outcomes for pupils over time.
· In recent years the school has experienced several changes of leadership and a significant turnover of teaching staff which has impacted on the quality and consistency of education.
· The diocese and the Interim Executive Board at the school are supportive of closure.
35.4 Having carefully considered the feedback received during the initial consultation and the subsequent representation period, the local authority concluded that Holy Cross can no longer be considered viable.
35.5 The Regulations set out the options the decision-maker has when making a decision on a closure proposal. The decision-maker can:
· reject the proposal;
· approve the proposal without modification;
· approve the proposal with such modifications as they think desirable; or
· approve the proposal, with or without modification, as specified in regulation 16 of the Establishment and Discontinuance Regulations.
Divisions affected: Uckfield North; Uckfield South with Framfield;
Lead officer: Gary Langford
The Lead Member is asked to approve the revised Home to School Transport policies, which, while in essence unchanged, have been re-formatted to contain additional information in line with the Department for Education (DfE) guidance published in June 2023.
Decision Maker: Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability
Made at meeting: 14/11/2023 - Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability
Decision published: 14/11/2023
Effective from: 21/11/2023
38.1 The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Children’s Services regarding the revisions to East Sussex County Council’s (ESCC) Home to School Transport policies
38.2 The Lead Member RESOLVED to agree the revisions to ESCC’s Home to School Transport Polices listed below:
· ESCC Home to School Transport Policy for children of compulsory school age (Appendix 1 of the report);
· ESCC travel assistance policy for children of compulsory school age with an Education, Health and Care plan (EHC plan) (Appendix 2 of the report);
· ESCC travel assistance policy for 16-19 year olds with an Education, Health and Care plan (EHC plan) (Appendix 3 of the report); and
· ESCC travel assistance policy for post-19 year olds with an Education, Health and Care plan (EHC plan) (Appendix 4 of the report)
38.3 The revised policies comply with updated statutory guidance and provide additional clarification and readability.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Jo Miles, Alison Mills
To consider an update on the reconciling policy, performance and resources process for 2024/25, the next steps and the medium term financial plan
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 07/11/2023 - Cabinet
Decision published: 09/11/2023
Effective from: 14/11/2023
26.1 The Cabinet
considered a report by the Chief Executive.
26.2 The Cabinet RESOLVED to:
1) note the updated policy context as set out in paragraph 2;
2) note the updated Medium Term Financial Plan as set out in paragraph 3 and appendix 1;
note the reserves summary set out in
paragraph 3;
note the capital programme update as set
out in paragraph 4 and appendix 2; and
5) agree to continuelobbying for sustainable funding to meet the needs of the residents of East Sussex.
26.3 In June Cabinet considered the State of the County report, a key milestone in the Council’s Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR) process, our integrated business and financial planning cycle. The report set out the updated demographic, economic and service evidence base; the national and local policy context; and updates on our medium term financial planning position and capital programme. It set out our latest understanding of how we would need to continue to respond to the broad and evolving range of policy, demographic and financial drivers which influence the outlook for the Council, both in the short and longer-term.
26.4 This report highlights the importance of the services the Council provides for the county, the positive achievements we have to build upon, and the strength of our robust planning processes. It also outlines the increased level of uncertainty within which planning for 2024/25 is taking place and the growing pressure on services. Much is to be determined around national spending allocations and priorities for 2024/25 onwards, the impact of national reforms, and the medium to longer term impact of the increases in demand and cost seen already this year.
Lead officer: Victoria Beard
At his decision-making meeting on 27 June 2023
the Lead Member for Resources and Climate Change delegated
authority to the Chief Operating Officer to take all actions
necessary to secure the disposal of the site at best value in
accordance with s.123 of the Local Government Act 1972, and to
agree the terms of the disposal and other documentation required;
and delegate authority to the Chief Operating Officer to proceed
with the next best offer(s) in the event of the sale.
Approval to sell the freehold of the site, split into three
separate lots. The site has been declared to be surplus to East
Sussex County Council’s requirements.
Decision Maker: Chief Operating Officer
Decision published: 08/11/2023
Effective from: 15/11/2023
Approval to sell the property for an agreed
sum following an extensive marketing period via a specialist local
Land agent.
Lead officer: Ros Parker
To allow East Hoathly & Halland Carnival /
Bonfire Society to facilitate the 2023 East Hoathly & Halland
Bonfire / Carnival, East Sussex County Council have made an Order
under Sections 14(1) and 15(1)(b) of the Road Traffic Regulation
Act 1984, as amended, which will temporarily restrict all traffic
using the following length of road to a speed not exceeding 30
Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Economy and Transport
Decision published: 03/11/2023
Effective from: 10/11/2023
Temporary 30 mph Speed Limit
South Street / East Hoathly Bypass / Eastbourne Road - from the
junction with C13 Park Lane to the junction with B2192 Lewes
The Order commences 11 November 2023 and lasts for a period of 18
months, or until works are completed, whichever is earlier.
However, it is anticipated the speed restriction will be in place
on 11 November 2023.
If you require further information telephone Network Management on
0345 60 80 193.
Lead officer: Rupert Clubb
To allow East Sussex Highways to carry out
works, East Sussex County Council have made an Order under Sections
14(1) and 15(1)(b) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as
amended, which will temporarily close the following length of
Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Economy and Transport
Decision published: 03/11/2023
Effective from: 10/11/2023
Temporary Road Closure
East Beach Street / The Bourne - from the junction with A2101
Albert Road to the junction with C551 Priory Road
A safe route will be provided for pedestrians and vehicular access
for residents and to properties maintained whenever possible with
an alternative route for through traffic via A2101 Albert Road,
Queens Road - C215 Elphinstone Road - C457 Mount Pleasant Road -
C551 Priory Road and vice versa.
The Order commences 13 November 2023 and lasts for a period of 18
months, or until works are completed, whichever is earlier.
However, it is anticipated works will be undertaken between 13
November & 7 December 2023 depending upon the weather
If you require further information telephone Network Management on
0345 60 80 193.
Lead officer: Rupert Clubb
To allow East Sussex Highways to carry out
works, East Sussex County Council have made an Order under Sections
14(1) and 15(1)(b) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as
amended, which will temporarily close the following length of
Decision Maker: Director of Communities, Economy and Transport
Decision published: 03/11/2023
Effective from: 10/11/2023
Temporary Road Closure
Eridge Road - from the Boars Head roundabout to the junction with
U7880 Boars Head Road.
A safe route will be provided for pedestrians and vehicular access
for residents and to properties maintained whenever possible with
an alternative route for through traffic via A26 Eridge Road
– C70 Bunny Lane – A267 Frant Road, Mayfield Road,
Tunbridge Wells Road, Argos Hill, Mayfield Bypass, Wellbrook Hill,
Mayfield Road – A272 Summer Hill, Main Road, Curtains Hill,
Pound Green, High Street, Station Road, Lephams Bridge Road, Buxted
Road, Budletts Lane – A26 Mill Pond Road, Five Ash Down,
Uckfield Road, Beacon Road and vice versa.
The Order commences 13 November 2023 and lasts for a period of 18
months, or until works are completed, whichever is earlier.
However, it is anticipated works will be undertaken between 13
& 17 November 2023 depending upon the weather conditions.
If you require further information telephone Network Management on
0345 60 80 193.
Lead officer: Rupert Clubb