Register of interests

Councillor David Tutt

I, Councillor David Tutt, as a Member or co-opted member of East Sussex County Council, give notice to the Monitoring Officer of the East Sussex County Council of the following disclosable pecuniary interests, as required by Section 30 of the Localism Act 2011, and other interests, as required by the Council’s code of conduct.

1. Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation
Member My spouse or partner
LGA Member peer -
IESE Ltd - Director -
IESE Transformation Ltd - Director -
Director of Cyber Centre for Excellence -
2. Sponsorship
Member My spouse or partner
Liberal Democrats -
3. Contracts
Member My spouse or partner
IESE Ltd -
IESE Transformation Ltd -
EDEAL - Director -
4. Land
Member My spouse or partner
78 Ringwood Road, Eastbourne BN22 8TB 78 Ringwood Road, Eastbourne BN22 8TB
80 Ringwood Road, Eastbourne BN22 8TB 80 Ringwood Road, Eastbourne BN22 8TB
5. Licences
Member My spouse or partner
6. Corporate tenancies
Member My spouse or partner
7. Securities (see definitions below)
Member My spouse or partner
8. Any body to which I have been appointed or nominated by the Council
East Sussex Pension Fund – Trustee
County Council's Network Council
LGA Member peer
9. Any body exercising functions of a public nature
Southfields Trust - Trustee
IESE - Director
IESE Transformation Fund - Chair
10. Any body directed to charitable purposes
Eastbourne Local History Society
11. Any body one of whose principal purposes includes the influence of public opinion or policy
Liberal Democrats
British Computer Society
National Trust
Association of Liberal Democrat Councillors
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
English Heritage
People Matter Advisory Board
Member of Southern Water Consumer Challenge Group (Unremunerated Role)
12. Gifts and hospitality
Received a tie from divest East Sussex. (3/12/19)
Journey’s Bar – Lunch, presented with Stained Glass Window with plaque. (17/05/23)
Lunch at the Enterprise Centre in Eastbourne, presented with two bottles of wine. (13/06/23)
Dinner for Cllr Tutt and partner, paid for by Cobb PR. (08/07/23)
13. Definitions
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