Title: Chair of HOSC
Party: Conservative
Division: Eastbourne - Ratton
Home address:
203 Kings Drive
East Sussex
BN21 2UJ
Email: cllr.colin.belsey@eastsussex.gov.uk
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My politics
The best thing about politics is the team spirit it creates along with feeling it gives you when you achieve. I was first elected to represent the people of Ratton ward in Eastbourne in June 2009. I have been an Eastbourne Borough Councillor for some years. I represented Ratton ward on the Borough Council.
I first joined the Young Conservatives when I arrived in Eastbourne. There were over 150 members, and I have to say we had a lot of fun. I have always enjoyed helping others and putting something back into society, I have stood for office over the years and feel privileged to represent the people of Ratton on the County Council.
I would like to see that services are maintained to the high standards they are at the moment in the County and an agreement to dual the A27 from Lewes to Polegate. I would like more jobs and facilities for young people, as there is a section of society that will feel left and unwanted unless we (the nation) do something.
We need to continue to work with police on crime, set up more No Cold Calling Zones, and generally look to improve East Sussex.
My community
I love East Sussex as a county and believe it is a hidden gem. Ratton is where I live and I enjoy serving the residents. The hardest thing is when you come up against brick walls. Ratton is a mixed ward with two very large sections of bungalows, two areas of social housing and the rest being large detached or semi detached homes.
The main problems are speeding on the A2070 (Willingdon Road) and Parking on the Rodmill Estate due to the Hospital charging for its staff to park. Crime is always a problem, but the neighbourhood panels are an excellent way to feed back information.
Along with my fellow borough councillors, we established a No Cold Calling Zone for the whole of the Rodmill area. No Cold Calling Zones give a sense of community to the older members of the community, and they work!