Committee details

Audit Committee

Purpose of committee

The work of this Committee before 15 May 2018 was carried out by the Audit, Best Value and Community Services Scrutiny Committee. Click on the link if you would like to view previous meeting agendas and minutes.

The purpose of the Audit Committee is to act as the principal non-executive, advisory function supporting those charged with governance by exercising the Audit Committee functions as follows:

1) To review and provide independent scrutiny in relation to all internal and external audit matters.

2) To consider the effectiveness of the Council’s risk management processes, internal control environment and corporate governance arrangements and to recommend any changes to Governance Committee or Cabinet as appropriate.

3) To consider the external auditor’s annual letter and the Chief Internal Auditor’s annual report and opinion and the level of assurance they can give over the Council’s risk management processes, internal control environment and corporate governance arrangements.

4) To review and scrutinise the effectiveness of management arrangements to ensure probity and legal and regulatory compliance, including, but not limited to contract procedure rules, financial regulations, codes of conduct , anti-fraud and corruption arrangements and whistle-blowing policies.

5) To consider the major findings of internal and external audit and inspection reports, and Directors’ responses, and any matters the Chief Internal Auditor or District Auditor may wish to discuss (in the absence of Directors if necessary).

6) To review the Council’s assurance statements, including the Annual Governance Statement, ensuring that they properly reflect the risk environment, and any actions required to improve it.

7). To review the internal audit strategy and annual plan and the external auditor’s annual audit and inspection plan and to monitor performance of both internal and external audit.

8) To review the annual statement of accounts and the external auditor’s report to those charged with governance.

9) To review and monitor treasury management arrangements in accordance with the CIPFA Treasury Management Code of Practice.

10) To review and monitor the Property Asset Disposal and Investment Strategy.

The terms of reference of this Committee can be found in the Council’s Constitution.



Contact information

Support officer: Sophie Webb. Senior Governance and Democracy Officer

Phone: 01273 337495
